Sponsors & Media Partners: PGE, Vertis, Saga Commodities, EC, Ministertwo Srodowiska, IETA, Fortum, GDF Suez, Vattenfall, PGNiG, LOTOS, ATS, Verifavia, Ministertwo Gospodarki, NFOSiGW, PIPC, Koalicja Klimatyczna, Lewiatan, ZP FEO, Zwiazek Maklerow I Doradcow, Stowarzyszenie Producentów Plyt Drewnopochodnych, RE Database, The Energy Industry Times, Chronmy Klimat, CEEPortal, News Balkanenergy.com, RE News India, My Solutions Info.com, OGEL, ogrzewnictwo.pl, Instal, Biznes Alert, PortalEnergia, IOZE. Visit the website for up-to-date listing.
